In this post I am going to share the steps to create an application user from an exiting user.
This can be used to create a user in same EBS instance or any other EBS instance.

I am creating a  new user with name john.cena  from existing user himanshu.singh . This I am doing on the same EBS instance. This will bring all responsibility also to user. 

SOURCE USER : himanshu.singh
TARGET USER : john.cena

To find the responsibilities of source user:
set pages 1200
set lines 200
fnd_user_resp_groups furg,
FND_RESPONSIBILITY fr,fnd_responsibility_tl frt,fnd_user fu
WHERE fu.user_name = '&username'
AND   fu.user_id = furg.user_id
AND   furg.responsibility_id = fr.RESPONSIBILITY_ID
AND   frt.responsibility_id = fr.RESPONSIBILITY_ID

STEP 1: Use FNDLOAD to download user himanshu.singh from source instance:

FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct  user_metadata.ldt FND_USER USER_NAME=himanshu.singh

STEP 2: Modify the ldt file (himanshu.singh_USER.ldt for the example above):

Change the line to

BEGIN FND_USER “john.cena”
LAST_UPDATE_DATE = “2014/01/06”
START_DATE = “1951/01/01”

In case you are doing in other instance transfer the to other instance using scp or some other command.

STEP 3: Use FNDLOAD to upload new user to target instance:

FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct  user_metadata.ldt  FND_USER   USER_NAME=john.cena

STEP 4: Change the password of the new user from application front end,email and other details as required.