List of Validation used in ADOP patching Cycles in Oracle Apps /EBS

The sequence in which the validations are performed.

1. Check all node entries in fnd_nodes table 


Check all node entries in fnd_nodes table 

Execution happens on 

Primary node 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

Information missing in FND_NODES table for one or more application tier nodes. For details, refer to log file on the relevant node. 

Detailed error message 

ERROR: Missing entries in FND_NODES table. 
Nodes present in FND_NODES: <valid Nodes List> 
Nodes missing from FND_NODES: <invalid Nodes List> 
Corrective Action: Run AutoConfig on the run file system of the nodes that are missing from the FND_NODES table. 

Method Name 



2. Check all nodes have context files in FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES table for both run and patch file systems 


Check all nodes have context files in FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES table for both run and patch file systems 

Execution happens on 

Primary node 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

There is a missing entry in the FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES table for at least one application tier node context file. 

Detailed error message 

ERROR: Nodes with context files in the FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES table on both run and patch file systems: <validNodeList> 
Nodes without context files in the FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES table on either/or run and patch file systems: <invalidNodeList> 
Corrective Action: 
- If the run file system context file for a node is missing, run AutoConfig on the run file system of that node to synchronize with the value with the database. 
- If the patch file system context file of a node is missing, run AutoConfig on the patch file system of that node with the -syncctx option as follows to synchronize with the value with the database. 


$ sh <AD_TOP>/bin/ contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> -syncctx 


C:\><AD_TOP>\bin\adconfig.cmd contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> -syncctx 

Method Name 



3. Checks related to S_JDKTOP and S_FMW_JDKTOP 


Checks related to S_JDKTOP and S_FMW_JDKTOP 

Execution happens on 

All application tier nodes 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

Value set for JDK_TOP (context variable s_jdktop) is invalid 

Detailed error message 

1. Sub-Validation: Check if jdktop and fmw_jdktop are pointing to the correct location. 
Error message: 
ERROR: The value of the s_jdktop context variable is incorrect. 
Corrective Action: Contact Oracle Support to identify the best course of action. 
2. Sub-Validation: Check if s_jdktop value is same on the run file system and database. 
Error message: 
ERROR: The value of the context variable s_jdktop for the run file system is not consistent between the file system and the database. 
Corrective Action: Correct the value in the context file, and run AutoConfig to sync with the value in the database. 
3. Sub-Validation: Check if s_fmw_jdktop value is same on run file system and database. 
Error message: 
ERROR: The value of the context variable s_fmw_jdktop for the run file system is not consistent between the file system and the database. 
Corrective Action: Correct the value in the context file, and run AutoConfig to sync with the value in the database. 
4. Sub-Validation: Check that s_jdktop has the same value on the current node and primary node. 
Error message: 
ERROR: Value of s_jdktop is not consistent with the value on the primary node. 
Corrective Action: Update the value of s_jdktop to match the value on the primary node. 
5. Sub-Validation: Check if s_fmw_jdktop has the same value on the current node and primary node. 
Error message: 
ERROR: Value of s_fmw_jdktop is not in sync with the value on the primary node. 
Corrective Action: Update the value of s_fmw_jdktop to match the value on the primary node. 
6. Sub-Validation: If JDK version is greater than 1.6, TXK code level should be greater than C.3 
Error message: 
JDK version: <java_version> 
TXK code level: <txk_code_level> 
Release 12.2 Delta 3 or higher requires a TXK code level with a JDK version higher than 1.6. This instance is at a lower TXK code level. 
Corrective Action: Contact Oracle support to identify the best course of action. 

Method Name 



4. Check consistency and validity of Oracle Inventory setup 


Check consistency and validity of Oracle Inventory setup 

Execution happens on 

All application tier nodes 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

At least one Oracle inventory check has failed. 

Detailed error message 

1. Sub-Validation: Oracle Global Inventory does not exist. 
Error message: 
ERROR: Oracle Global Inventory does not exist. 
Corrective Action: Provide the location of a valid inventory file. 
2. Sub-Validation: Oracle Inventory Pointer location directory doesn't exist. 
Error message: 
Oracle Inventory Pointer location directory doesn't exist. 
Corrective Action: Provide the location of a valid inventory file. 
3. Sub-Validation: Oracle home directory is not present 
Error message: 
<run_oracle_home_loc> registered in inventory does not exist on file system. 
Corrective Action: Provide the location of a valid inventory file. 
4. Sub-Validation: Oracle home directory is not registered in the file system. 
Error message: 
ERROR: <run_oracle_Home_loc> is not registered in the inventory 
Corrective Action: Provide the location of a valid inventory file. If you believe the inventory is valid, you may want to attach the <run_oracle_Home_loc>. 
5. Sub-Validation: <run_oracle_Home_loc> does not exist on file system but still attached in inventory.xml. 
Error message: 
<run_oracle_Home_loc> does not exist on file system but still attached in inventory.xml. 
6. Sub-Validation: Either <run_oracle_Home_loc> doesn't exist in inventory.xml or detached from inventory.xml. 
Error message: 
Either <run_oracle_Home_loc> doesn't exist in inventory.xml or detached from inventory.xml. 
7. Sub-Validation: The user does not have write permission for inventory xml file. 
Error message: 
ERROR: The user does not have write permission for <inventory_xml_file>. 
Corrective Action: Provide correct permissions for inventory.xml 
8. Sub-Validation: The xml file either doesn't exist or doesn't have read permission. 
Error message: Either<xml_file> file doesn't exist or doesn't have READ permission. 
9. Sub-Validation: Dependency between webtier and oracle_common Oracle Home in inventory. 
Error message: 
Corrective Action: Resolve the dependency between Oracle_Home <webtier_oh_loc> and <oracle_common_oh_loc> in the inventory. 

Method Name 



5. Check if APPL_TOP name is same in database and run file system 


Check if APPL_TOP name is same in database and run file system 

Execution happens on 

All application tier nodes 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

APPL_TOP name is not set up properly for the current node. 

Detailed error message 

ERROR: The value of the context variable s_atName is not consistent between the run context file in the file system and the database. 
Corrective Action: Correct the value of s_atName in the run context file, then run AutoConfig to sync with the value in the database. 

Method Name 



6. Check if instantiate instructions in the readme have been followed correctly 


Check if instantiate instructions have been followed correctly 

Execution happens on 

All application tier nodes 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

OHS configuration files have not been instantiated from the latest AutoConfig templates. 

Detailed error message 

ERROR: File versions mismatch. 
Template File: <template_file> <template_file_version> 
Target File: <target_file> <target_file_version> 
ERROR: Oracle HTTP service configuration file version does not match corresponding AutoConfig template file. 
Corrective Action: Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1617461.1 to apply the latest AD and TXK release update packs. 

Method Name 



7. Check if custom product tops have been added correctly 


Check if custom product tops have been added correctly 

Execution happens on 

All application tier nodes 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

Custom product tops have not been added correctly. 

Detailed error message 

ERROR: The following custom products have been added inappropriately: <list of custom product tops> 
Corrective Action: You can refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1577707.1 to add custom products. If you face any issue, you may contact Oracle Support to identify the best course of action. 

Method Name 



8. Check if AD and TXK code levels match 


Check if AD and TXK code levels match 

Execution happens on 

Primary node 

adop phase 

fs_clone, cutover 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

TXK RUP has been applied without applying the corresponding AD RUP. 

Detailed error message 

ERROR: AD and TXK code levels are not in sync. 
TXK code level: <txk_code_level> 
AD code level: <ad_code_level> 
Corrective Action: Apply the required RUP. 

Method Name 



9. Check if adminserver status and web admin status are in sync 


Check if adminserver status and web admin status are in sync 

Execution happens on 

All application tier nodes 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

Inconsistency detected in context file Admin Server information between nodes or file systems. 

Detailed error message 

1. Sub-Validation: check the values of s_adminserverstatus between RUN and PATCH file system. 
Error message: 
Value of s_adminserverStatus context variable is not consistent between run and patch file systems. Admin Server can be enabled only on the primary node. 
Corrective Action: Amend value of s_adminserverstatus context variable. 
2. Sub-Validation: check the values of s_adminserverstatus between RUN file system and database 
Error message: 
ERROR: Context file value of s_adminserverstatus on run file system is not consistent between the file system and database context file. 
Corrective Action: Correct the value of the s_adminserverstatus context variable in the run file system context file, then run AutoConfig. 

3. Sub-Validation: check the value of s_web_admin_status between RUN file system and database 
Error message: 
ERROR: Context file value of s_web_admin_status on run file system is not consistent between the file system and database context file. 
Corrective Action: Correct the value of the s_web_admin_status context variable in the run file system context file, then run AutoConfig. 
4. Sub-Validation: check the value of s_web_admin_status between RUN and PATCH file system 
Error message: 
Value of s_web_admin_status context variable is not consistent between run and patch file systems. 
Corrective Action: Amend value of s_web_admin_status context variable 

Method Name 



10. Check if multi-node related setup properties are correct 


Check if multi-node related setup properties are correct 

Execution happens on 

All Nodes 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

Either the value of the context variable s_shared_file_system in the run file system is not consistent between the file system and the database or the APPL_TOP name across nodes is not set correctly. 

Detailed error message 

1. Sub-Validation: Check if s_shared_file_system is in sync across RUN file system and database. 
Error message: 
ERROR: The value of the context variables_shared_file_system is not consistent between the run file system context file and the database. 
Corrective Action: Correct the value of s_shared_file_system in the run context file, and run AutoConfig to sync with the value in the database. 
2. Sub-Validation: Check if context variables s_atName and s_shared_file_system are not in sync 
Error message: 
ERROR: s_atName and s_shared_file_system context variables are not in SYNC. 
Corrective Action: Contact Oracle Support to identify the best course of action. 

Method Name 



11. Check if any ports being used by E-Business Suite are listed in /etc/services 


Check if any ports being used by Oracle E-Business Suite are listed in /etc/services 

Execution happens on 

All application tier nodes 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

At least one of the required ports for patch file system is reserved in /etc/services 

Detailed error message 

WARNING: This E-Business Suite instance is going to use the following ports listed in /etc/services. 
If you want to use any of these ports for services which are not part of the E-Business Suite instance, you need to update /etc/services to use different ports for those non-EBS services. 

Method Name 



12. Check if any required ports on patch file system are already in use 


Check if any required ports on patch file system are already in use 

Execution happens on 

All application tier nodes 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

Some of the ports specified for the patch file system are not available. 
Corrective Action: Free the listed ports and retry the adop operation. 

Detailed error message 

ERROR: The following required ports are in use 
Corrective Action: Free the listed ports and retry the adop operation. 

Method Name 



13. Check if localhost entry exists in /etc/hosts 


Check if localhost entry exists in /etc/hosts 

Execution happens on 

All application tier nodes 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

Either some of the required entries in /etc/hosts file might be missing (e.g. localhost 
or hostname) OR the file /etc/hosts could not be read. 

Detailed error message 

1. Sub-Validation: more than one IP address with value of found 
Error message: 
Corrective Action: Add multiple local hosts for the same IP address in the /etc/hosts file, as shown on the following line: <localhost1.localdomain1> <localhost1> 
<localhost2.localdomain2> <localhost2> … 
2. Sub-Validation: more than one IP address with value of host IP address found 
Error message: 
Corrective Action: Add multiple hosts for the same IP address in the /etc/hosts file, as shown on the following line: 
<IP> <hostname1.domain1> <hostname1> <hostname2.domain2> <hostname2> ... 

Method Name 



14. Check if Weblogic Server domain is not in edit mode 


Check if Weblogic Server domain is not in edit mode 

Execution happens on 

All application tier nodes 

adop phase 

fs_clone, prepare 

Warning or error? 


Basic error message 

Domain is in edit mode. 

Detailed error message 

Domain might be locked by some other WLS user process. 
Corrective Action: Release the edit lock and then restart the script. 

Method Name 



15. Check edit.lok file to see if domain is in edit mode 


Check edit.lok file to see if domain is in edit mode 

Execution happens on 

Primary node 

adop phase 

fs_clone, cutover