Oracle Application DBA Interview Questions

In this post I will only be sharing questions, Please try to find the answers by yourself.


1) Explain the architecture of the EBS environment where you are working currently?

2) Why does a shared APPL_TOP beneficial over non-shared APPL_TOP?

3) Please share the details step to apply an Oracle EBS application patch ?

4) What is the purpose of Applying AD and TXK Delta patches  ?

5) Is there any mandatory step after apply AD delta patches , if yes please describe ?

6) If I want to create a new EBS test environment then what would the process explain the steps ?
7) When a concurrent job is running long , what would be the approach to dig/solve the problem ?

8) Please explain the setup process for Parallel Concurrent Processing  on 2 node application ?

9) Give detailed steps for setting up Oracle Application workflow with Office 365 IMAP and SMTP mailer ?

10) What is change when working with 19c DB along with Oracle Application? 

11) What are the important steps to be performed to load balance the managers after PCP.

12) What is JWS and how do we setup JWS in EBS.

13) What is the role of OPMN in Oracle EBS

14) Why do we run actualize_all in EBS and what are the steps.

15) What is the patching process using ADOP.

16) Please give some issue faced during the cloning of EBS application.

17) Is it mandatory to run the adpreclone in EBS. If yes why ?

18) Please give the high level steps for Doing an EBS upgrade to 12.2.x.

19) What is a RUP patch and explain the pre-requisites for a RUP patch

20) How do we use SQL profile and SQL baseline in Oracle database and what is the difference.

21) What is the database backup strategy and difference between cumulative and differential backup

22) If the Application login page is not opening, what would be the approach to troubleshoot the issue?

23) The users are reporting the concurrent jobs are running long this week when compared to last week, what would be the approach to dig into the problem and give recommendations

24) If the standard Manager queue has 500+ pending request what would the approach to look into issue, Business has started complaining that the jobs are going into pending state.

25) What tables  are used for checking if application patch is applied or not.

26) How to apply a weblogic patch, please explain in detail

27) How to re-create a weblogic domain in EBS R12.2.x

28) Explain the process of apps password change in R12.2.x application

29) How to increase/decrease java memory for Oacore in EBS 12.2.x application.

30) Why do we create a Custom Manager In Oracle Apps, We already have a Standard Manager , Can we not increase the process in standard manager..

31) What is the difference between AD_BUGS and AD_APPLIED_PATHCES.

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