Oracle Cloud OS Management Service: Simplifying and Streamlining OS Management on OCI Compute

The Oracle Cloud OS Management Service is a powerful tool designed to streamline the management of operating systems (OS) on virtual machines in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). This service provides administrators with the ability to automate tasks related to OS updates, patching, configuration, and monitoring. In this article, we will delve into the features, benefits, and step-by-step guide to setting up the Oracle Cloud OS Management Service.

Features and Benefits:

Automated OS Updates: The service automates the process of applying updates, security patches, and bug fixes to your VM instances.
Centralized Management: Administrators can manage OS updates and patches across multiple VM instances from a single, centralized location.
Configurable Policies: Define policies to control when and how updates are applied to VM instances.
Security Enhancement: Keep your VM instances up to date with the latest security patches to mitigate vulnerabilities.
Consistency: Ensure that all VM instances are running the same patched and up-to-date OS version.
Patch Rollback: If a patch causes issues, easily roll back to a previous state using the service.
Compliance Monitoring: Monitor the compliance of VM instances with defined patching policies.
Reporting: Detailed reports provide insights into the status of OS updates and patching across your environment.

Note:OS Management will not work for Always free instances

Setting Up Oracle Cloud OS Management Service:


An active Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) account.
Virtual Machine instances running on OCI.

1) Create a dynamic group that will be used select all the instances from a compartment

Follow below screenshot to create dynamic group.

I am going to create a dynamic group to allow any instances in a compartment "gold1_compartment"

For this I will capture the compartment OCID .

2) Edit the policy statement-For an instance to be registered with the OS Management service, you must create policies that allow instances to use OS Management.

I have created a new policy with below rules in root compartment

Allow Service osms to read instances in tenancy
Allow dynamic-group LINUX_OS_GRP to read instance-family in compartment gold1_compartment
Allow dynamic-group LINUX_OS_GRP to use osms-managed-instances in compartment gold1_compartment

3) Now to to Compute instance in respective compartment and enable the OS management.

4) On the Instance resource go to the OS management tab to view all the specific bug, patches, updates available.

Run below to validate if agent is installed.

sudo yum info oracle-cloud-agent

Or install using

sudo yum install -y oracle-cloud-agent

Run below validate agent running status

[root@ ~]# sudo systemctl status oracle-cloud-agent
● oracle-cloud-agent.service - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure agent for management and monitoring
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/oracle-cloud-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-08-24 16:40:59 GMT; 2min 0s ago
 Main PID: 2153 (agent)
    Tasks: 70 (limit: 5418)
   Memory: 212.2M
   CGroup: /system.slice/oracle-cloud-agent.service
           ├─2153 /usr/libexec/oracle-cloud-agent/agent
           ├─2277 /usr/libexec/oracle-cloud-agent/plugins/gomon/gomon
           ├─2378 /usr/libexec/oracle-cloud-agent/plugins/oci-managementagent/oci-managementagent
           ├─2409 /usr/libexec/oracle-cloud-agent/plugins/oci-wlp/oci-wlp
           ├─2461 /bin/bash 230727.1916/bin/oracle.polaris.oca.main -Xmx128m -Dpolyglot.engine.AllowExperimentalOptions=true -Dpo>
           └─2463 /var/lib/oracle-cloud-agent/plugins/oci-managementagent/polaris/jdk1.8.0_381-b09/bin/java>

5) Now  we can see the Available OS updates from OS management on console for the instance.

6) If we check at the server level and use the standard method to update OS. We can seen message saying it is receiving updates by OSMS agent.

But still if we want we can use the OS management tools to patch and update.

7)  Now what if we update from OS level updates.

yum update -y 

Now after the update we can review OS management console and it will mark all as update no available updates as it was already installed using yum utility.

So we can use both method to update our OS. So it is based on your needs and convenience. OS management will help you to patch group of OS system as needed and required at the same time. It can be achieved by creating Managed Instance Groups.

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