How To Manually Install Data Mining In Oracle 11g and 12C

Oracle Data Mining 11gRelease 1 (11.1) has a tight integration with Oracle Database. Data Mining metadata and PL/SQL packages have been migrated from DMSYS to SYS. The DMSYS schema no longer exists in Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) fresh installations.

The DMSYS schema no longer exists in Oracle Database 11g releases unless the database has been upgraded from earlier version.

Also there is no longer an 'odm' directory in the ORACLE_HOME.

If the database has been upgraded from earlier version, then DMSYS schema could be there.
There is no longer an 'odm' directory in the ORACLE_HOME, and no entry for Data Mining in the DBA_REGISTRY but there is a value in V$OPTION: 

SQL> col value format a30
SQL> col parameter format a30
SQL> select * from v$option where PARAMETER = 'Data Mining';

PARAMETER                      VALUE
------------------------------ ------------------------------
Data Mining                    TRUE

If the above returns false, then Data Mining files need to be installed and the Oracle executable linked with Data Mining in the Oracle Home. In 11.2 the following command can be used for both Unix/Linux and Windows to "enable" Data Mining in the Oracle Home:

chopt enable dm

For 11.1 please go to the Oracle Universal Installer and install Data Mining files.

If there is a need to install Data Mining manually into an Oracle Database, please perform the following steps:

1) Go to the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory of the RDBMS instance where you want to install Data Mining:

2) Ensure ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID are set for the upgraded DB env.

3) Login as SYS and run from SQL*Plus:


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