ADZDREG.sql executes with warning


When executing ADZDREG.sql as part of ADZDPSUM.sql recommendation to register custom schemas before applying online enablement patch during Rel 12.2 upgrade, ADZDREG.sql completes with warnings as mentioned below

$ sqlplus apps @$AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/ADZDREG.sql <systempassword> <apps username> XX_CUST

SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Wed Apr 5 13:58:33 2023

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Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release – Production


Session altered.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

ERROR: Installing APPS_DDL packages failed. Run the sql files adaddls.pls, adaaddls.pls, adaddlb.pls, adaaddlb.pls from $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql directory

Commit complete.

Disconnected from Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release – Production



1. Run the following to verify if the custom schema is registered with READ_ONLY FLAG ‘B’ in FND_ORACLE_USERID table:

select READ_ONLY_FLAG from fnd_oracle_userid where oracle_username='XX_APPS';

2. Are the following file versions at (or higher than):
ad_apply_patch.xml 120.4.12020000.2
adaddlb.pls 120.1.12020000.2
adaddls.pls 120.1.12020000.2
aidafo.lpc 120.13.12020000.4
adppdep.lpc 120.10.12020000.7

If both #1 and #2 above are YES, then the following error can safely be ignored:

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