LINUX AWK Tutorial Series | Chapter 9

Hello, In this chapter I will continue the concepts of arrays in AWK.

Now I am going share, how are we going to use the arrays with the file. I will use the same file Employee data. I will mostly be using awk scripts in the examples.

Let's start with an example

Example 1: 

We want to calculate the food amount for each employee. That will be calculated based on the salary of the employee. That will be 1% of the total salary.

[himanshu@oel7 AWK]$ cat array_food
for(i in food)
print i "==" food[i]

Confused about what for will do here. For loop will execute for each index in the array.

So here the array index would the name of the employees (food[$1]) and calculating the food amount based on the salary which is the 4th field.

Example 2: 

Now I want to delete the array for Robert in output.


delete array_name[index]  ==> This will delete one array element
delete array_name[index]  ==> Delete entire array

[himanshu@oel7 AWK]$ cat array_food
delete food["Robert"]
for(i in food)
print i "==" food[i]

Try at Home: With the below awk script please try to execute and see what output we get.

[himanshu@oel7 AWK]$ cat array_food
delete food
for(i in food)
print i "==" food[i]

Example 3:

In earlier chapters, we have discussed built-in variables related to arrays, Lets see them in our scripts.

ARGC: Number of command-line arguments.  
ARGV: Array which stores command line arguments.

[himanshu@oel7 AWK]$ cat builtin_arry_var
print ("Arguments total" ARGC);
for (i=0;i<=ARGC-1;i++)
print ARGV[i]

Here I am using both ARGC and ARGV. The first index at i=0 will take the awk as the first argument. so the total argument here would be 2.

Example 4:

One more built-in variable is ENVIRON. It is also an array of environmental variables.
The array index would be the environment variables name.

Here I am printing value for the environment variable USER using the normal method and using AWK also doing the same.

Hope these would be clear.

More chapters will continue.

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