How to Install and Deinstall Oracle Text CTXSYS in 11g

Below are the steps to install Oracle Text on our Oracle Database 11gR2
My DB version is

Installation Steps

  • Execute following script to install oracle text and CTXSYS user while connecting as sysdba.
sqlplus ‘/as sysdba’

spool /local/oracle/admin/tmp/text_install.txt
@$ORACLE_HOME/ctx/admin/catctx.sql oracle123 SYSAUX TEMP NOLOCK

Where :

oracle123 – is the ctxsys user password

SYSAUX – is the default tablespace for ctxsys

TEMP – is the temporary tablespace for ctxsys

LOCK|NOLOCK – ctxsys user account will be locked or not

  • The next step is to install appropriate language-specific default preferences.There is script which creates language-specific default preferences for every language Oracle Text supports in $O_H/ctx/admin/defaults directory, such as English(US), Danish(DK), Dutch(NL), Finnish(SF), French(F), German(D), Italian(IT), Portuguese(PT), Spanish(E), and Swedish(S). They are named in the form drdefXX.sql, where XX is the international license plate code. To manually install American default preferences, for example, log into sqlplus as CTXSYS, and run following statement:

sqlplus “CTXSYS”/”change_on_install”

@?/ctx/admin/defaults/dr0defin.sql “AMERICAN”;

connect /as sysdba

alter user ctxsys account lock password expire;

spool off

  • Verification Steps

Check to make sure that all Text objects were created in CTXSYS schema and correct version is installed also make sure you have no invalid objects
sqlplus ‘/as sysdba’

set pages 1000

col object_name format a40

col object_type format a20

col comp_name format a30

column library_name format a8

column file_spec format a60 wrap

spool text_install_verification.log

— check on setup

select comp_name, status, substr(version,1,10) as version from dba_registry where comp_id = ‘CONTEXT’;

select * from ctxsys.ctx_version;

select substr(ctxsys.dri_version,1,10) VER_CODE from dual;

select count(*) from dba_objects where owner=’CTXSYS’;
— Get a summary count

select object_type, count(*) from dba_objects where owner=’CTXSYS’ group by object_type;

— Any invalid objects

select object_name, object_type, status from dba_objects where owner=’CTXSYS’ and status != ‘VALID’ order by object_name;

spool off

De-installation Steps:

Text dictionary is removed by calling following script from SQL*Plus connected as SYSDBA:

spool /local/oracle/admin/tmp/oracletxt-remove.log
set lines 200 pages 1000

select comp_name, status, substr(version,1,10) as version from dba_registry where comp_id = ‘CONTEXT’;

select * from ctxsys.ctx_version;

select substr(ctxsys.dri_version,1,10) VER_CODE from dual;

select count(*) from dba_objects where owner=’CTXSYS’;

select object_type, count(*) from dba_objects where owner=’CTXSYS’ group by object_type order by 1;

select object_name, object_type, status from dba_objects where owner=’CTXSYS’ and status != ‘VALID’ order by object_name;

select * from dba_registry;

SQL> @?/ctx/admin/catnoctx.sql
SQL> drop procedure sys.validate_context;

select * from dba_registry;

spool off;


For Full instructions on oracle text install/deinstall you can refer to oracle support website notes: 979705.1 (10gR2) and 579601.1(11g)

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