Uploading Manifest File Errors With The submitted manifest is not valid


When attempting to upload manifest file for platform migration to https://updates.oracle.com/PlatformMigration, the following error occurs.


The submitted manifest is not valid. Please review MetaLink Note 438086.1 and verify that the file manifest was correctly generated.
The submitted manifest for Release R12 does not contain the required information on baseline.


1. Backup the file adgenpsf.txt and update as follows


# extension current baseline ad


# extension current baseline ad A

Save changes.

2. Go to https://updates.oracle.com/PlatformMigration

Upload manifest.

You should receive such a confirmation:

The migration patch for <platform> will be generated using patch <NNNNN>. When the migration patch is available, an email will be sent to you with the password and instructions on how to download.

In case of 12.1.x, the update could be "ad B" and in case of 12.2.x, the update could be "ad C". The solution would work in all 12.x environments.

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